Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lab day

I shot with my book pin hole camera today. I definitely has a bit of a light leak however I like to embrace imperfection and it kind of makes the image. I'll have to post photos after I scan them or something. But something that was crazy is that it picked up some of the text on the photo paper. How it happened I'm not so sure but it's pretty awesome. Now I wished I would have cut out books with less pages and did a whole lot more so it could pick up the text and it would be a different "frame" if you will. It's due Monday so maybe I will have time to elaborate.

I also shot some self portraits with the view camera. I need to process the film to see how it went but I need to take more portraits and I'm kind of stomped about it. The assignment says 1 part is supposed to not give a reference of time or location. The second part is supposed to do the opposite. Although the assignment doesn't call for the same model to be for both of them, I feel like it would make it a lot more interesting. This is making it a little harder for me. Who do I want to pick that would be interesting to show a portrait that is more telling of who they are. I'm just going to shoot and maybe I'll discover a concrete idea that way.

Last night I got a phone call from my two very dear friends, Jared and Kelsey at 1 in the am. They called and asked if I was going on a mission. I replied yes. (they had been facebook stalking. ha) And we had such a great conversation. I'm so blessed to have so much support with everyone in my life. At the beginning of the semester I was really focused on getting all this art done. I was working an insane amount of hours but as the semester goes on I'm kind of feeling like I'm over it. I kind of can't wait for the semester to be over and have a little bit of a break to focus on getting ready for a mission. I'll be able to just be at home with my family and not have the stress of homework deadlines. I feel like my heart is almost in another place and school is straight up crampin' my style.

Well back to homework.